Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Keith Olbermann on the passage of Prop 8

Keith Olbermann beautifully states my thoughts on this issue. I'm so glad that he was able to stand on his soapbox to vocalize his (my) view.

Thanks for taking a stand, Olbermann.

Monday, November 10, 2008

"You Really Got a Hold on Me" by Smokey Robinson & The Miracles

This song sang to me, today. Lame, but it made me laugh, both at the song and myself, so...:

I don't like you
But I love you
See that I'm always
thinking of you
Oh, oh, oh,
you treat me badly
I love you madly
You've really
got a hold on me
You've really got a hold on me, baby

I don't want you,
but I need you
Don't want to kiss you
but I need you
Oh, oh, oh
you do me wring now
my love is strong now
You've really got a hold
on me
You've really got a hold on me, baby

I love you and all I want
you to do
is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me

I want to leave you
don't want to stay here
Don't want to spend
another day here
Oh, oh, oh, I want to split now
I just can quit now
You've really
got a hold on me
You've really got a hold on me, baby

I love you and
all I want you to do
is just hold me, hold me, hold me, hold me

You've really got a hold on me
You've really got a hold on me

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


So... It's November 4, 2008... Polls open at 7am and close at 8pm (in Minnesota - it's different, elsewhere). While in all likelihood, most people reading my blog are already going to vote and vote for Barack Obama for President, make sure you do! Get out and vote and tell everyone you know to do the same!